Laser Engraving The Magical Invention For Metal Surface Marking


Laser engraving and laser marking are quite known factors in the field of surface marking technologies. The theory and technology behind it is quite simple and straightforward but a talk about its applications would not end in a single discussion. The scope of this magical invention and the significance in various applications is amazing. Laser marking and laser engraving are those technologies which make use of a focused beam of light to the desired point on the surface of the material. While this converged beam of light is scientifically known as light amplification of stimulated emission of radiation, has an extraordinary power of making a permanent and consistent marking on any metal surface. Depending on the intensity of light, the amount of time it is in contact with the medical surface, and nature of the metal surface. These laser beams actually make a deep incision like markings, which is conspicuously visible from a distance.

Although laser marking machine and laser engraving machine is usually done on hard metal surfaces, it is also employed in creating or inscribing on other surfaces, which are comparatively weak and soft Depending on the metal surface and its nature, the amount of laser beam, the time of exposure and similar relevant aspects, the intensity, the focal point and other allied things are set up to carry out the necessary actions. Although these laser beams are used to engrave or mark an almost all solid surfaces, there are certain metals which are best suited for laser engraving and laser marking.

although there are other various means of writing and marking on metal surfaces, laser technology is the most preferred method because the marking has an exceptionally good capacity to remain legible and clear even under very hard conditions. The next important point that makes lasers marking machines and laser engraving machines stand above the rest is the time taken for the whole process. Laser marking and laser engraving hardly takes up any time in comparison to its other competitors where in the engraving is done using physical force like a rotor, or chipping of the unwanted material, and similar, physically, strenuous and mechanical methods whereas, in case of laser engraving and laser marking not much of physical strain is needed, on the contrary, only the laser beam must be moved in accordance with the inscription, text, image, symbol or other similar which have to be marked engraved. The same way in certain mechanisms the laser beam remains fixed while the platform on which the metal surface is placed is moved accordingly. In either of the cases, the marking is 100% accurate and precise and as per the necessity and requirement.

Signvec Technology is the pioneer in engraving and signage industry located in Singapore specialist in laser, rotary engravers, marking, and allied products that range from high-end laser marking and engraving machines to affordable budget, range machines.

In Order To Find Out More Details On Laser Engraver Please Be Touch With Us Today Onwards..!


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