Types of Laser Engraving And Laser Marking Machines


Laser engraving and laser marking have got its own applications and scope. These are one of the complex mechanisms that are used in various industrial sectors. Initially this method was being widely used in the automotive industry to mark the engine numbers which had to be consistent and long lasting. Later on this method slowly started to spread to other sectors like medical, toys, electronics, manufacturers of Fancy, glass panel, House-hold electronic devices and so on. Basically it’s laser beam that is focused to a precise point and then subjected to on the material surface where the marking has to be done. Depending on the intensity of the beam, the material surface undergoes changes which may be physical and to some extent chemical.

The laser beam accurately burns out the area of focus, thereby leaving a marking which either is a grove contrasted with the surrounding material service, which other words is a long, lasting mark left on the material surface, which is conspicuously visible. Laser marking and laser engraving are two Technically similar, but giving a different result. Laser engraving is that method where the laser beam is usually of a stronger intensity, strong enough to create a grove whereas laser marking is a comparatively low intensity, laser beam marking, which is also quite long lasting but without any grove on the material surface. Categorically there are three main types of laser engraving machines that can be mentioned. The carbon dioxide laser marking machine, the fiber laser marking machine and the crystal laser marking machine. In a carbon dioxide, leisure engraving machine, a mixture of carbon dioxide undergo electrical treatment giving rise to a precise laser beam.

Talking about the fibre, laser engraving machine, it can be called as a solid state laser which has a very short wavelength and a smaller focal diameter due to which the intense intensity of the laser beam. The third type of laser engraving machine is the crystal laser machine, which is a highly complex device which involves the use of diodes in it. Since these diodes wear out in Due course, they need to be replaced with new diodes. In comparison to the other engraving machines, crystal laser engraving machine happens to be more intricate and needs more maintenance than the other two. However, due to this intricacies, crystal lasers are used to engrave on plastic ceramics and glass.

However, all the above three laser engraving machines can be employed to laser mark metal surfaces like aluminium, steel, magnesium, lead and stainless steel. Different material surfaces respond in their own way when they are subjected to the laser. Organisations like Signvec technology, Located in Singapore are skin and expert in manufacturing, installing, servicing and maintenance of laser marking machines and laser engraving machines. With a special expertise in Rotary engraving, laser cutting, The Company, manufactures, customised laser engraving machines to reputed clients. With a dedicated intention to offer and deliver best services in this sector, Signvec has been providing first quality as engraving and blazer marking machines.

In Order To Find Out More Details On Laser Engravers Please Be Touch With Us Today Onwards..!


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