The Virtuosity of Laser Engraving And Laser Marking And Etching


As a general perception and method the laser marking process simply  is a precisely focused beam of light that is amplified to several times by stimulation of particular radiations to mark on any specific surface of a known material. While the beam of radiated light focussed interacts or hits the material surface, apparently the material and its surface properties and physical appearance gets altered there by creating a marking on the surface. Nevertheless this ray of concentrated light aims only at a particularly specified area on the surface hence enabling the laser beam to create precise, superior quality, contrasted marks that can be easily read or scanned. It is this feature of the laser that makes marking via laser beam an ideal method where in accuracy and permanencies are very much needed. Another method in close reference to Laser marking is the laser engraving technology that is normally used in the process of engraving metal surfaces of different kinds.

However this laser engraving best works with metals like stainless steel and aluminium irrespective of whether the metal surfaces are anodized or not. While discussing about the key aspect of this process, it obviously is its capability to engrave codes that still maintain very high levels of clarity even after chemical treatments that are done post to the process of engraving. Likewise, laser etching is another associated process because of its high-speed and non-dependence on the other factors to a great extent. Laser etching can be carried out on a variety of material surfaces which include stainless steel, aluminium both anodized and non-anodized types, and also on metals like lead, magnesium, and zinc. The process of laser etching literally fluxes the metal surface to transform into its variance, whereas laser engraving process sublimates the metal surface and creates abysmal fissures, making the metal surface instantly captivate enough energy to transform from solid state to gaseous state without even converting into a liquid state.

But however in order to achieve the state of sublimation directly, the laser engraver system may have to produce considerable power and energy for the metal surface to touch its vaporization temperature in a very short time probably within a few milliseconds. Since extreme temperatures are obviously required for this process of sublimation, laser engraver machines must be very powerful. This apart a method which is called laser annealing is also employed to mark on metal surfaces like stainless steel and aluminium.

Organizations like the Signvec Technology have currently made a big name in the engraving and signage industry. Specialised exceptionally in the manufacture and installation of laser, rotary engravers, cutting and laser marking machines, it ranges from high end to affordable range of variety of laser machines.

In Order To Find Out More Details On Laser Engravers Please Be Touch With Us Today Onwards..!


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