Fiber Laser Marking Machine LF6040

Fiber Laser Marking Machine LF6040 adopt flying route, working size 600*400mm. marking and engraving material: Most metals and plastics, including, stainless steel, aluminum, black/white ABS, carbon fiber, polycarbonate, anodized aluminum, white PEEK, silicon wafers, colored delrin, magnesium.

Laser marking is a method of leaving marks on an object with the help of laser technology. The marks are made without the use of inks or tools coming in contact with the surface. Hence there are no issues involving the replacement of ink or bit heads.Signvec provides a wide range of laser and rotary engraving, cutting and marking high end machines for those requiring high precision and accurate end products.

In Order To Find Out More Details On Fiber Laser Marking Machine Please Be Touch With Us Today Onwards..!



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