Specialty - Cylindrical, Flat & Glass MAX Pro S5 Engraver - Buy It From Signvec Technology - 2021

Specialty - Cylindrical, Flat & Glass MAX Pro S5 Engraver - Buy It From Signvec Technology - 2021

Hi Everyone,

We already know Engraving is the most important technique in printmaking. Engraving machines engrave a wide variety of materials and there are different types of engraving machines are available. These Engravers used on different applications such as sign making, ADA braille signs, wood engraving, plastic engraving, control panels, parts marking, etching, badge engraving, metal engraving, tag engraving, personalized gifts, trophies, plaques, gift items, notary seals, tool & die work, tags, plates, deep metal cutting, parts marking, plastic engraving, control panels, cylindrical engraving, glass engraving, jewelry, medals, and etc...Here let's discuss Max Pro S5 Engraver.

Specialty - Cylindrical & Flat MAX S5 Engraver

The MAX Pro S5 Engraver is most versatile machine allowing for engraving of flat, deep, round or odd-shaped items in one compact, easy-to-use machine. The system is frequently used as a glass engraving machine, but its automatic surface-sensing feature allows for flat and curved surface engraving on a wide range of other materials as well, such as plastic, brass, coated and non-coated metals, artificial stone, crystal, and more. The system includes Vision’s Auto Laser Layout feature, which sends the engraving area and position directly to the software without measuring.

MAX Pro Specialty Engraver Specifications Chart

Software Vision Express standard (Expert or Pro optional)

Maximum work area 8" x 12"

Maximum size part Flat 14" (L) x Any Width x 7" (H)

Cylindrical 12" x 6" Diameter

Z-Axis Stroke 3"

Spindle Type 11/64", 6mm or 1/4" / Top Loading

Resolution / Speed 0.0002" - 10"/sec

Table Type Aluminum T-slot, Cylindrical

Interface Ethernet

Controller Internal Series 4 Controller with Pendant

Warranty 2-Year Limited

Power Requirements 110/220V 10 Amp

Physical Dimensions 28"(W) x 28"(D) x 26"(H)

Shipping Dimensions 37"(W) x 35"(D) x 39"(H) 353 lbs

Additional Options Top/Bottom Collet, Ring Attachment

*3D Engraving Software

 If you want to buy the latest engravers then there are various engraving machines available with detailed specifications. So first analyze the machine specification and pick which one suits your engraving requirements. In Singapore, Signvec Technology is the authorized distributor of the Vision engraver & router system. To know more send your product inquiry at http://www.signvec.com/productenquiry.php.


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