VR48 S5 CNC Routers in Singapore

VR48 S5 CNC Routers in Singapore

CNC Routers is a computer-controlled cutting machine that is used to cut various hard objects. Industries related to cutting different materialsteel plastic, glass, wood use different types of CNC cutting machines to achieve precise, repeatable, and cost-effective work.

CNC routers work in different directions to develop shapes and patterns. CNC router machine moves along an axis to cut left to right, front to back, or up and down. CNC Router comes in many configurations. Although there are many configurations most CNC Routers have a few specific parts like a controller, spindle motor, etc... 

Nowadays businesses benefit hugely by using the CNC Routers such as 1624R S5 Small CNC Router, 25 Series 2525 S5 CNC Router, 25 Series 2550 S5 CNC Router, VR48 S5 CNC Router. Here we take a look at the VR48 S5 CNC Router machine applications and its specifications in detail. 

VR48 S5 CNC Router Specification  

Software                            Vision Express standard (Expert or Pro optional)

Maximum work area        51" x 98"

Z-Axis Stroke                    12"

Standard Spindle Power  3 HP

Resolution / Speed           0.0005" - 10"/sec

Table Type                      Aluminum T-slot or optional vacuum

Interface                      Ethernet

Controller                           Series 5 Controller w/ advance V-Touch Pendant

Warranty                             1-Year Limited

Power Requirements 110V 5 Amps/ Single phase 220V 50 Amps

Physical Dimensions 75"(W) x 125"(D) x 72"(H)

Series 4 Controller Dimensions  13.5"(W) x 16"(D) x 4.5"(H)

Weight                                             2,500 lbs

Additional Options                     Automatic Braille Inserter, DACS (DigitallyAligned Cutting System), Vacuum Table,4.4 HP & 7HP Spindles, *3D Engraving Software, Oscillating Knife     

This VR48 S5 CNC Router has Vision Express Standard software system, therefore this machine is perfect for various applications such as ADA-compliant signage, Routing out wood signs, Cutout letters, Control panels, Cutting out sheets of material up to 4' x 8', 2 1/2D and 3D signs in sign foam, wood, etc... CNC Routers has many qualities such as versatility, precision, ease of use, etc... Therefore industries that need consistent and high efficient work buy these CNC routers to improve productivity.  

 Want CNC Router machines, then contact us @ +603 8066 7981.


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