Where To Buy The Best iMARC IT Engraver In Singapore?

Where To Buy The Best iMARC IT Engraver In Singapore?

Hi All!

In this blog, let's discuss more about Engraving Machines and the best supplier of Engravers. Engraving machines are the key to starting your own engraving business. There are many types of Engraving Machine out there. Also many different business applications for engraving machines, So you should consider these types before you decide just what type of engraving utility you will go out to purchase or utilize. 

In Singapore, Signvec Technology offers a full range of laser and rotary engraving, cutting and marking machines as well as solvent inkjet printers and UV Printers. iMARC IT Engraver is an all-in-one metal engraving machine. If you are Looking for the iMARC IT Engraver then approaching Signvec is the best way to get Engravers with high efficiency. 

At Signvec you can buy iMARC it Engraver with following specifications

Maximum Work Area 2.5" x 6"

Maximum Size Part 2.5" x 6"

Z-Axis Stroke                 .625"

Spindle Type                  Diamond Drag

Resolution / Speed        0.0002" / 2 sec max

Table Type                     Fixture with Multi Mat Insert

Interface                        USB Keyboard

Controller                      Advanced Control System

Warranty                        1-Year Limited

Power Requirements     110/220V 5 Amp

Physical Dimensions     14" wide x 16" Deep x 15" Tall

Shipping Dimensions    21" wide x 13" Deep x 21" Tall

Investing in an Engravers can be a very wise investment for any crafts business. So don't miss this wonderful opportunity! If you are searching for the best iMARC IT Engraver and other laser engravers at best prices in Singapore, then quickly contact @ +65 6749 7337 or mail your queries @ enquiries@signvec.com.

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