Are You Looking For Cost-effective Digital UV Printers In Singapore?

Are You Looking For Cost-effective Digital UV Printers In Singapore?

Hi Everyone! In this blog, we will discuss the Digital UV Printer and It's Specifications. UV Printing is a form of digital printing. Digital printers are perfect for all businesses that need to be executed in a short amount of time. By using digital printers you can get more copies if you so wish. 

Digital Printing System is easy to understand and also easy to handle. By using a digital UV printer you can print your image in no time. because they are fast. There are different types of the system inside the digital printer. We have the ink system, movement system, drying system, and control system. These 4 systems are sync together. There are different types of a digital printers. but the main type is 

1) UV LED Printer
2) Digital Solvent Printer

In Singapore, Signvec is the best supplier of Digital UV Printers, laser and rotary engraving systems. Signvec offers the DREAMJET 329 UV LED Printer with following specifications

* Printer Head :  Micro piezo print head
* Color :  Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black, White, White, Solid White, Varnish
* Max. Printing Size :  290mm x 600mm
* Max. Resolution :  5760 x 1440 dpi
* Printer Dimension :  780 * 880 * 510 (mm)
* Interface :  USB 2.0
* Power :  220 V AC, 10A
* O/S :  Window XP / Vista / 7 / 8 
* Max. Material Thickness: 120mm

If you are looking for cost-effective Digital UV Printer in Singapore then quickly approach Signvec Technology. Here all products range from the higher end spectrum to cater to those who require high precision and accuracy to the more affordable range where speed and quality are preferred. 

If you want to order digital UV printing machine in Singapore, then contact @ +65 6749 7337 or mail your queries @

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